Thursday, April 02, 2009

The hand that rocks the cradle may not rule the world, but it certainly makes it a better place. - Margery Hurst

Dear Mummy & Papa,

I want to thank you so much for giving me life. So far I have had an incredibly wonderful life thanks to your deep love and unselfishness. There is so much I want to tell you--but it all boils down to THANK YOU--because I have truly been blessed.

I suppose I should start at the beginning. I remember a childhood filled with beautiful memories. I do want you to know that I think about you often. I devote a part of my day, thinking about you, because I know you're thinking about me.

Mummy/Papa, I know that you have both often worried about me and want to thank you both for all the love and wisdom you have given me over the years. It makes me proud and happy that I have such a great role model to build my future life.

You have both been an inspiration to me and I respect you both as parents but most of all for the warm loving generous people you are. You have taught me how not to be selfish. You have taught me the value of hard work as well as the need for compassion. I am grateful that you have provided me with the tools for me to become a good person. I love you both dearly…. Thank you…

I thank God for giving me the bestest parents in this world. Thank you very much, I'll always love you for this great gift of life with such a wonderful family.

Here's a short poem for both of you -

I wanted to tell you how special, you two are to me.
You have made me what I am, and am ready to be.

Tonight I will sleep, with dreams of bygone days,
My loving, carefree childhood, and of my childish ways.
Then I will awake, with dreams of things to come,
What my life will be, and who I will become.

With the morning I will have, emotions flowing free,
I just wanted you to know, I'll need you there with me
Your strength and love will guide me, as I become the bride,
As I start this precious journey, I need you by my side.

I'll always be your daughter, and your love I'll always need,
Though we are starting a new chapter, planting a new seed.

So as my wedding day comes closer, I say these words to you,
Hoping that you realize, you're in everything I do.

Your loving daughter,